Monday, December 30, 2013
5 Goals for 2014!
2013 was not too shabby. I experienced joy, sadness, love, loneliness, accomplishment, and times where I felt I could have done better. Great memories were made with friends both new and old. I moved back to the beautiful Bay Area, am closer to family, and I even started writing this blog!
So 2014 is awaiting full of greatness for me. I can feel it. Things are only going to get better. Another year older another year wiser.
These are my goals for 2014:
1. Get Organized!! I used to be Mrs. Post-its, highlighters and planners then somewhere along the line (college and afterwards) that all dropped off and I became a little scattered. The truth is I love organization. I love color-coding, labeling, creating a space for everything and of course coordinating it all so there is a cohesive design, but for some reason I stopped doing it. So this year I am getting back on the organization band wagon. My room, my wardrobe, car, and life in general will be getting it together! I also will be using these helpful tips from this article 26 Resolutions to Keep you Organized in 2014 on Buzzfeed. Organization not perfection. I like a little disheveledness in my world. ;)
2. Live every day to be Inspired, Motivated, Loved, Impactful, Abundant and Free. Thanks to my girl Danielle LaPorte for giving me a new way to look at my goals, and how I live my day to day life. Danielle is the author of an amazing goal setting book called the Firestarter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms. It is a refreshing no holds bar look at wanting what you want and going after it. She says "Getting clear on how you want to feel in your life + work is more important than setting goals. It’s the most potent form of clarity that you can have, and it’s what leads to true fulfillment." I believe this statement to be true. How can you get clear on what you want if you don't focus on how it's going to make you feel? With Danielle's book as a guide I did some exercises to find out how I really want to feel and those five feelings: Inspired, Motivated, Loved, Impactful, Abundant and Free, are what I aim for everyday. These specific feelings bring joy to my day and make me my best self. Check out her book, its a refreshing in your face read.
3. Travel. I was fortunate enough to do some little trips this year but in 2014 I want to visit my friends more! For some reason I have developed a little fear of flying long distances. Don't know why but I need to suck it up! Everyone is in a different place and sometimes life gets in the way but I really want to make an effort to go visit the people I love. My uncle lives in Texas and I need to make a trip out to see him too! I also want to go meet my half sister for the first time this year in Tennessee! Really the East Coast (still have never been to NYC) and the South ( New'ohhhlins) are calling my name this year, and as for International travel a trip to Italy or Ireland would never hurt!
4. Fall In Love. New guy (the love of my life perhaps), new city, new friend, new favorite ice-cream, new decor, or a new perspective - whatever the case I want to fall for it. Completely head over heels, openhearted, vulnerable to a fault LOVE. As another year passes there is more heart-break, more violence in the media, more disappointment. Sometimes we need to take a fresh new look at the world. There is still a LOT of good in it. I want that little- kid anything-is-possible-and-everything-is-great feeling again. I want to be Ariel when she sees a fork for the first time. "Look at this thing! Isn't is great!?" Could you imagine being THAT excited to see a fork? Yeah- exactly. We need more of that.
5. Healthy Mind, Body & Soul. Clear skin, shiny hair, good sleep, flexible bod, strong arms, happy heart, light & energized, and healthy diet. Mom and I are already starting to eat clean by getting plenty of fruits, veggies, drinking lots of water and kicking the boxed and high sugar foods. We definitely are going to watch what we put into our bodies but wine will always be there, lets just be honest.
Cheers to reaching your goals and having a prosperous 2014!
Getting the champagne ready,
<3 Sab
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Easy Snowflake Nails
It's time to get some snowy holiday cheer on those nails!
1. Prep your nails and hands. Lotion up, remove nasty cuticles and file those babies down to a shape of your choice!
2. Paint your nails with a base coat. I used Sally Hansen's Double Duty which is a base coat and a top coat! I love me some two for one's!
2. After your base dries paint your nails with a striking silver color. Something shiny! This is the holiday's people! Or if you dislike silver or don't have it in your nail arsenal then go ahead and use whatever color you'd like. I wont judge if you use fluorescent orange! Whichever color you chose make sure you get two good coats on.
3. $#!% Start cussing because you accidentally took a chunk out of your polish. UGH. Remove and redo. While your at it go ahead and get your hand dandy cotton swabs dipped in polish remover and clean up all the excess polish you got all over your skin. We are not perfect.
3. Next chose where on your nails you would like your snowflakes. Get your striper brush and a nice white polish and start making X's and then cross through those X's. Kind of make a jack shape. As in the game Jacks. Better yet just watch this video from CutePolish on youtube. She does it best!
4. After you have your snowflake shapes go ahead and get your dotting tool (you can even use an old ball point pen if you don't have a dotter) and make dots at the end of the X shapes. Also make some dots to look like snow on the rest of your nail bed.
5. Fan your hands around, blow on those nails, do a little dance until they are dry.
6. Finish with a top coat!
That's it! Go forth with your snow dusted nails! You are ready to be admired at a holiday party or open presents!
Add me on Instagram @fabsabagram
Not a nail technician but I try,
<3 Sab
Monday, December 16, 2013
Shopping in My Closet & a Hatred for Cardigans
Last night, way into the early morning, I sat up til my eyes bled going through my favorite fashion blogs, clicking on affiliate links oogling and ogling a bunch of cute stuff that I want! Sexy studded pleather shorts, over-sized sweaters, long sleeve crops, velvet leggings, kitten heels and more. Now you have to understand I am a very weird person when it comes to shopping online because I will look and look and put items in my cart but when it comes to actual purchasing I never make it through the checkout. I know, strange right? I don't think I have ever purchased anything online yet- like, ever. I think it has something to do with the added shipping cost. Yes-only $35 bucks! SWEET! *Clicks continue*...OH man...another $15 for shipping. Do I really need a $55 dress, that may not even fit, that I will probably just return?*Clicks out*
If being a weird almost-shopper was not enough reason for me to close down the computer and go to sleep then being broke definitely IS. Why am I up perusing the internet as if I am a millionaire!? Those 50% All Outerwear! and FREE shipping on orders over $30! blinking banners are reason enough for me to keep clicking through almost every category on a shops page. However, not having an expendable income right now and seeing all the stuff I can not buy even though there is a mega-deal makes me feel pretty awful. Note to self: Lets just stop this now.
So here I am online at god knows what hour wanting more STUFF. But I have no money to be shopping and I honestly don't have much more space in my closet, drawers and walls. I begin to look around my room at all the stuff I already own and realize that I own some pretty awesome things. Pretty makeup, a closet full of clothes- including awesome vintage and unique thrift finds, a vintage hat box full of fun accessories, TWO trees, one billboard AND a tray of jewelry, and TONS of shoes that I never wear (there's four pairs alone in my car- I mean come on!). I have a bunch of cool stuff! I have come to the realization that I have this huge varied wardrobe to chose from and I don't NEED anymore stuff (at least not right now) and for this I am thankful.
I then started going through the memory banks of whats in my closet- realizing that I already HAVE majority of the trendiest stuff out there online or at least SOME version of it. I started thinking of the women back in the day- like BACK in the day - where you would have been lucky enough to own two dresses. Two nice dresses- one for day, the other for special occasions, and those babies were something you saved for, not something you just happened to pick up because it was there and you though it was cute and you didn't have this style dress in red yet- only black, navy and cream. *Cough* CONSUMERISM* Cough cough*
So here is my point. I have a lot of great stuff in my wardrobe and I can't shop right now (nor do I need to) so the best thing I can do is start shopping in my closet. It's time to rediscover whats in there. I obviously bought it all so I must have liked it right? Well I am going to find out.
I have decided to shop my closet for the rest of the year. I bet I can make hundreds of outfits with what I already own. I managed to already make one, with a bunch of stuff I forgot I had!

I totally forgot about these oh-so-comfy boyfriend jeans I owned! Probably because my mom stole them and was wearing them as regular jeans, which is probably why I had to add a belt! I also don't wear the ever awesome chevron suede Missoni for Target shoes I got when the collection came out. They are so neutral they literally can go with anything AND I got them on sale. Hello beauties.
I also have a little confession to make. I pretty much HATE cardigans. I hate them but I own a few. Now don't get me wrong I like some versions- like give me an oversized grandpa cardi and I will rock it with a short dress and a belt, no prob! Its these little dinky ones that barely button that I have the problem with. I just don't like these little flimsy pieces of fabric on my body who's only real purpose is to cover my shoulders. Its all too Sandra Dee.
Anyhow, enter old red simple cardigan. This one I haven't worn in daaaaaaaaaaays.It was in the back of my closet probably because of the aforementioned hate I have for them. But it looks cute layered over this sheer leopard button up I have (which I just realized is a freakin' sheer cardigan! Ugh I might have to admit I like cardigans #firstworldproblems).Throw on a simple black tank, my favorite necklace and a shiny gold belt and I was perfectly outfitted for a casual day of running errands.
Lets see where this journey takes us shall we? Heck, you can even play along. All for one and one for all in the name of outfit making. I hope to have some more of these closet mix matching experiments up on the blog. Until then here is an extra pic of me trying to get my cat to participate in my makeshift photo shoot - I swear I'm not strangling him.
Digging to the way, way back.
<3 Sab
If being a weird almost-shopper was not enough reason for me to close down the computer and go to sleep then being broke definitely IS. Why am I up perusing the internet as if I am a millionaire!? Those 50% All Outerwear! and FREE shipping on orders over $30! blinking banners are reason enough for me to keep clicking through almost every category on a shops page. However, not having an expendable income right now and seeing all the stuff I can not buy even though there is a mega-deal makes me feel pretty awful. Note to self: Lets just stop this now.
So here I am online at god knows what hour wanting more STUFF. But I have no money to be shopping and I honestly don't have much more space in my closet, drawers and walls. I begin to look around my room at all the stuff I already own and realize that I own some pretty awesome things. Pretty makeup, a closet full of clothes- including awesome vintage and unique thrift finds, a vintage hat box full of fun accessories, TWO trees, one billboard AND a tray of jewelry, and TONS of shoes that I never wear (there's four pairs alone in my car- I mean come on!). I have a bunch of cool stuff! I have come to the realization that I have this huge varied wardrobe to chose from and I don't NEED anymore stuff (at least not right now) and for this I am thankful.
I then started going through the memory banks of whats in my closet- realizing that I already HAVE majority of the trendiest stuff out there online or at least SOME version of it. I started thinking of the women back in the day- like BACK in the day - where you would have been lucky enough to own two dresses. Two nice dresses- one for day, the other for special occasions, and those babies were something you saved for, not something you just happened to pick up because it was there and you though it was cute and you didn't have this style dress in red yet- only black, navy and cream. *Cough* CONSUMERISM* Cough cough*
So here is my point. I have a lot of great stuff in my wardrobe and I can't shop right now (nor do I need to) so the best thing I can do is start shopping in my closet. It's time to rediscover whats in there. I obviously bought it all so I must have liked it right? Well I am going to find out.
I have decided to shop my closet for the rest of the year. I bet I can make hundreds of outfits with what I already own. I managed to already make one, with a bunch of stuff I forgot I had!

Cardigan: H&M- Old, similar here
Leopard Top: Thrifted
Necklace: Avon, Gift
Tank: JCPenny
Belt: Express- Old, similar here
Jeans: TJMax, F21,Old
Heels: Missoni for Target
I totally forgot about these oh-so-comfy boyfriend jeans I owned! Probably because my mom stole them and was wearing them as regular jeans, which is probably why I had to add a belt! I also don't wear the ever awesome chevron suede Missoni for Target shoes I got when the collection came out. They are so neutral they literally can go with anything AND I got them on sale. Hello beauties.
I also have a little confession to make. I pretty much HATE cardigans. I hate them but I own a few. Now don't get me wrong I like some versions- like give me an oversized grandpa cardi and I will rock it with a short dress and a belt, no prob! Its these little dinky ones that barely button that I have the problem with. I just don't like these little flimsy pieces of fabric on my body who's only real purpose is to cover my shoulders. Its all too Sandra Dee.
Anyhow, enter old red simple cardigan. This one I haven't worn in daaaaaaaaaaays.It was in the back of my closet probably because of the aforementioned hate I have for them. But it looks cute layered over this sheer leopard button up I have (which I just realized is a freakin' sheer cardigan! Ugh I might have to admit I like cardigans #firstworldproblems).Throw on a simple black tank, my favorite necklace and a shiny gold belt and I was perfectly outfitted for a casual day of running errands.
Lets see where this journey takes us shall we? Heck, you can even play along. All for one and one for all in the name of outfit making. I hope to have some more of these closet mix matching experiments up on the blog. Until then here is an extra pic of me trying to get my cat to participate in my makeshift photo shoot - I swear I'm not strangling him.
Digging to the way, way back.
<3 Sab
Sunday, December 15, 2013
A Cozy & Kissy Xmas Party
My favorite part of the holidays (besides family, boot-weather, and Christmas trees) are of course the parties! I was fortunate enough to be invited to a friend's holiday ornament exchange party last night. It was a kick-back house party so I didn't go all glam-o-rama, although I definitely could have. Everyone else ended up wearing sparkles! Sparkles, for a holiday party - I should have known.... But I am always cold and its freakin' cold outside so I just wanted to be cozy! I decided on a purple turtleneck and leggings combo with my fuzzy cream extra long vest and vintage suede boots topped with some shiny larger than life glam earrings. Add in some lose curls and that's holiday party enough for me!
Arriving in comfy style we were greeted by an adorable, chubby, snow flocked Christmas tree (with extra glitter)! The thing was packed with cutesy ornaments and topped with a crown. Definitely my type of Christmas tree! :) The host has the cutest house ever! Everything looks like its straight out of Pinterest! Girls got style.
She also has the cutest little side room that is now a dedicated photo booth! A bunch of props were laid out for us to use - beards, hats, antlers, lips, bows and stunner shades! SO CUTE! We all put on tons of props and went crazy making social media moments- a little TOO many. You can see gangsta-santa-Sab on my Facebook page. Haha.
We had a blast drinking, eating and chatting. We drank this pretty refreshing cocktail that tasted like red licorice. I can't find it online but its just Marshmellow vodka and pineapple juice! She also made these amazing fig jam and cream cheese bread thingys, a lasagna and served an amazing salad! OMG it was too good! And of course there were Christmas cookies, and cupcakes for desert! YUM!
After a few too many cocktails the ornament exchange ended up just being a "take an ornament and if you don't like it swap with someone else" kinda thing but I ended up getting the perfect addition for my pink tree, a multicolored pinata! All in all it was a great night!
Hope you all get to experience a fun holiday party this year and if not there is always New Years!
Feliz Navidad,
<3 Sab
Friday, December 13, 2013
Things I'm Thankful For Thursdays (on a Friday)...
Better late than never!
In a busy world where we tend to take too much if not everything for granted we forget to give thanks. I've decided to create a weekly reflection on all that I am grateful for. Everyday is an opportunity and its the little things that count. And Thankful Thursdays commences!
This week I am ever so thankful for:
- A warm bed and a roof over my head, especially during this harsh freeze we have been having - not everyone is so fortunate
- Hot Coco & Bailey's- my current night cap :)
- Friends who pick you up when your car is giving you shit
- Connecting with someone on any level no matter how small it may seem
- Seeing little kids all bundled up in their cutest winter gear ever!
- Getting to watch the Victoria Secret Fashion show! Just thinking of all the people and all the creative energy that goes into that production is SO inspiring every time. Also reminds me to go get some fancy bras! (Best hour long commercial EVER)
- Other's recognizing my strengths and wanting to utilize them
- Having the courage to get up and sing in front of other people at an event!
- Hard-working people. There are so many of them that make the world go round.
- American Horror Story Season 2 getting added to Netflix!
- Getting invited to fun get together's
- Holiday wine tasting with my Mom- for free! Wasn't that a blast!
- Friend's, family, strangers reaching out to others on my behalf. Thank you.
- The fresh pine smell wafting through the house from our Christmas tree
- Good friend's who send you your birthday gift because you left it with them on your birthday night! Thank you.
- Getting invited to yummy dinners
- Being able to rekindle old friendships and discovering new enlightening things about each other
- Chicken Noodle Soup!
- My cat cuddling up on my feet to keep me warm throughout the night.
- Being able to talk to people on a basic human level that seems so rare
- Writing out my Xmas cards. Spreading a little holiday love to all my peeps! :)
- For having the courage to tell people what I am doing or trying to do despite that they may not support it
- Nice customer service agents on the other end of the line for un-fun things like bills, student loans, banking, etc.
- Being intelligent. Holy crap I have a brain! A pretty good one! ;)
- Being able to see my grandma and gain her wise wisdom on life including the awesome "SHOP AROUND. There are millions of men in the world and don't get married!" LOL.
- Getting to see old faces again but in a new light. A lot changes when you become an adult.
- Winter Solstice tea at Peet's coffee. Delish!
- Laughing til it hurts
- Having a friend host me at their home, cook a delicious dinner and watch our fav TV programs together
- Bad Ass Business Women - and having a lot of them as friends!
- Understanding the hardships that others are going through and counting my blessings.
Feelin' pretty good,
<3 Sab
Sunday, December 8, 2013
My Top 10 Favorite Xmas Songs of All Time!
What is it about Christmas music that makes us instantly light up? Perhaps because it brings back fond memories, we only get to hear it once a year, or because we get to sing along (they're so damn catchy!)?
"Father Christmas, give us some money
Whatever the case I think everyone has at least one song they can't get out of their head around this time of year.
Here is a list of my top ten favs.
10. "Please Come Home for Christmas" by Bon Jovi
Lets get real. My Mom is a die-hard Bon Jovi fan so you better believe we listened to this on repeat every Christmas. It's one of those sad bluesy tunes that gets stuck in your head. I had never seen the video before now and of course Jon got mega-babe Cindy Crawford to be his leading lady! I love the complete 90's-ness of it- makes me like the song even more. And no wonder my Mom is in love with him- look at that bone structure! How this guy was alone on Christmas we will never know.
9. "Little Saint Nick" by The Beach Boys
"Oooooooo Merry Christmas Saint Nick..." This song is so cheesy but the beat is really catchy! I forget about it until it comes on and then it gets me singing along. My favorite part is when they sing " Run Run Reindeeeeeeer!" I can see them all strolling on the beach with their surf boards and Santa hats. Classic.
8."Happy Xmas (The War is Over)" by John Lennon
Such an uplifting song- standing for peace-with adorable kids singing. You can't go wrong with a meaningful Christmas song by John Lennon.
7. "Father Christmas" by The Kinks
It's basically about Santa getting beat up by the kids of the hood demanding money. I know, its the complete opposite of a jolly Christmas song but it is classic rock n' roll and somebody had to write it!
"Father Christmas, give us some money
We got no time for your silly toys
Well beat you up if you don't hand it over
Give all the toys to the little rich boys!"
6. "Baby it's Cold Outside" by Bing Crosby & Doris Day
A classic that has been replicated by many but my favorite is by Bing Crosby and Doris Day. Of course a guy would use the line "But baby its cold outside..." in order to keep you in his grasps but never the less this is such an adorable duet. Makes me wanna curl up with a cutie for the holidays! :)
5. "Christmas Is" by RUN DMC
YES! A perfect marriage of Christmas and hip-hop! Everyone knows I love my hip-hop.This is one of my favorites to put on while trimming the tree. It has a great message to if you really pay attention to the lyrics.
"I'm from the Ghetto, does this mean
I get no toys or presents beneath my tree?
I wrote my list, I made my wish
Is dis what Xmas means to me?"
4. "All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey
Ohhh yeah. Of course this one made the cut! Deemed one of the most played and popular Christmas songs ever its no stranger to my favorites. There's something about being out shopping or in your car when this song comes on that makes you think you are Mariah Carey herself. I start belting out all the high notes like "All I want for Christmas is youuuuuuu...Baaaabbyyyy!" When this song comes on you know its Christmas time! How cute is Mariah tobogganing down the hill to meet her hot date Santa Claus!? 1994 in all its glory ;)
3. "Santa Baby" by Eartha Kitt (& later by) Madonna
I love both versions! Of course any Christmas song talking about a 54 convertible- light blue, a duplex, checks and a diamond ring has got my vote. The pouty voice gets me every time. I turn this on and before you know it I'm swaying around singing "Think of all the fun I've missed, think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed. Next year I could be just as good, if you'll check off my Christmas list. Boo-doopi-doop!"
2. "Christmas All Over Again" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Almost my favorite Christmas song ever because it just gets you dancing! Its such a cheery song and sums up all the great things about Christmas we all look forward to; sitting by the fire, kissing under the mistletoe, mom's shopping. Definitely nostalgic for me. Hard to find a good video though!
2. "Christmas All Over Again" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Almost my favorite Christmas song ever because it just gets you dancing! Its such a cheery song and sums up all the great things about Christmas we all look forward to; sitting by the fire, kissing under the mistletoe, mom's shopping. Definitely nostalgic for me. Hard to find a good video though!
"And over town, little kids can get down.
Christmas is a rockin' time
Put your body next to mine
Underneath the mistletoe we go, we gooooooo."
And my number ONE favorite Christmas song of all time is.....
The LEAST expected....
Drum roll please!
1. "Christmas Wrapping" by the Waitresses
(No decent video!)
Guitar riffs. Bells. Horns. Rapping. Probably one of the corniest songs ever written but something about it makes me happy! It's also where I think I had my first introduction to "rap". The song is basically about a girl who doesn't want anything to do with Christmas this year.She is fed up with all the madness and just wants to be alone. Turns out she is sad because she has been chasing a guy around all year and they could never seem to meet up so she is all Bah humbug and alone for the holiday but then she ends up meeting him in the grocery store and they end up spending Christmas together. Ahh romance. Love this song. Don't judge me. :)
"Bah, humbug! No, that's too strong
'Cause it is my favorite holiday
But all this year's been a busy blur
Don't think I have the energy
To add to my already mad rush
Just 'cause it's 'tis the season.
The perfect gift for me would be
Completions and connections left from
Last year, ski shop,
Encounter, most interesting.
Had his number but never the time
Most of '81 passed along those lines."
That's it! I recommend listening to these babies while your trimming your tree or getting ready for a holiday party to instantly get you in the holiday spirit!
Rockin' around the Christmas tree,
<3 Sab
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Can't Get Enough of You Babe: Things I am LOVING right now!
Here are some things I am loving this week!
This Song: Holding on For Life- Broken Bells
This song has a sick Bee Gees meets Muse feel to it. I love the lyrics and can't stop singing it!
This Commercial: J'adore Dior
Seems like Dior hasn't made a new ad in years. They obviously don't need to because this ad already rocks. I don't know why but this commercial and especially the song never get old! Its' some kind of awesome watching Charlize Theron stomping down that run way dripping in gold chains. The song is called Heavy Cross by Gossip. Really digging the song.
This Beauty Product: Pumpkin Spice Lip Balm from Route One Pumpkins in Half Moon Bay.
So buttery! My lips taste like pie! I love you lip balm! Check out their other awesome products here. Or, better yet, take a trip to Half Moon Bay. It's a quiet, beachy, witchy town. You will love it!
This Book: Hunger Games- Mockingjay
I know I am pretty late to the gory hunger games party but I finally finished the first two and started reading the third book in the series: Mockingjay. I need to go see Catching Fire! I have heard great reviews. I will probably do my own review here on le blog. :)
This Show: American Horror Story: Coven
I've always liked "witchy" stuff. I blame it on my name; Sabrina. Black dresses, black cats, crystals, magick, healing remedies, power. Ah! So it's no wonder I love this show! Bitchy witches, voodoo, New Orleans! Jessica Lange, Angela Basset and Kathy Bates, I mean come on this show is pure genius. Its a little sadistic so if you cant stomach that or might have nightmares after watching I would skip it but I am loving it right now.
This Article: Buzzfeed: 7 Celebrities Whose Style You Totally Wanted to Copy in 1998
This Artwork: Photo of Morgan Freeman.
NOT- its a painting on an iPad! Watch the video. So cool!
This Youtube Channel: ASAP Science
This Song: Holding on For Life- Broken Bells
This song has a sick Bee Gees meets Muse feel to it. I love the lyrics and can't stop singing it!
This Commercial: J'adore Dior
Seems like Dior hasn't made a new ad in years. They obviously don't need to because this ad already rocks. I don't know why but this commercial and especially the song never get old! Its' some kind of awesome watching Charlize Theron stomping down that run way dripping in gold chains. The song is called Heavy Cross by Gossip. Really digging the song.
This Beauty Product: Pumpkin Spice Lip Balm from Route One Pumpkins in Half Moon Bay.
So buttery! My lips taste like pie! I love you lip balm! Check out their other awesome products here. Or, better yet, take a trip to Half Moon Bay. It's a quiet, beachy, witchy town. You will love it!
This Book: Hunger Games- Mockingjay
I know I am pretty late to the gory hunger games party but I finally finished the first two and started reading the third book in the series: Mockingjay. I need to go see Catching Fire! I have heard great reviews. I will probably do my own review here on le blog. :)
This Show: American Horror Story: Coven
I've always liked "witchy" stuff. I blame it on my name; Sabrina. Black dresses, black cats, crystals, magick, healing remedies, power. Ah! So it's no wonder I love this show! Bitchy witches, voodoo, New Orleans! Jessica Lange, Angela Basset and Kathy Bates, I mean come on this show is pure genius. Its a little sadistic so if you cant stomach that or might have nightmares after watching I would skip it but I am loving it right now.
This Article: Buzzfeed: 7 Celebrities Whose Style You Totally Wanted to Copy in 1998
I love the 90's! Buzzfeed allows a peek into Teen People's first Celebrity Style Awards issue. Its a perfect glance into the style of the 90's babes we all admired. And the hair....oh the hair.
This Artwork: Photo of Morgan Freeman.
NOT- its a painting on an iPad! Watch the video. So cool!
This Youtube Channel: ASAP Science
I love these videos! Done in such a fun way and packed with a lot of info you can learn a lot in 5 minutes.
Here is one of their videos:
Finding more stuff to love,
<3 Sab
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Christmas Tree Adventures!
My favorite part of the holidays is trimming the tree while listening to our favorite Christmas music! We keep our Christmas stuff in storage at my grandparents house. On Thanksgiving we dig it out, take it home and then the day after Thanksgiving the decorating fun commences!
Well, this year my Mom went to take out our old faithful plastic tree and I could see the look of dread in her eyes. "We went crazy last year trying to get this thing together!", she says. Sitting on the floor looking very confused with two sad branches in her hands I hear her cursing below her breath, "Ugh this thing has got to go." She refused to try to put the thing together. I don't blame her, the letter coordination system was all screwed up and some of the branches had definitely seen their days.
So here we are - Christmas music on - but no tree to trim!
Enter the Internet.
I never thought I would be typing in "Christmas Trees" into a search engine, in my life. But alas here we were trying to find a new plastic tree on a budget at about 6pm on none other than the Saturday after Black Friday aka Retail Weekend of Hell. I did not want to step foot into a store! Especially the dreaded Wal-mart!
After surfing the webz for a couple of minutes we found two options in our budget that were available in stores at you guessed it; Wal- Mart and Big Lots. Target did not have one affordable tree. Tisk Tisk Target.
Lets just take a moment to recognize how RIDICULOUS it is that a plastic freakin tree is upwards of $100!!
So we all pile into the car and head out to explore the Wal-Mart tree options.
Once in the store we spotted the Madison Pre-Lit Tree that was on the website for $40. Equipped with 600 branches and 400 lights we thought this could work when we saw it online. However, when we saw it in the store I was less than impressed.
Lets just say this thing looked like it was naked! So bare and pathetic looking. You could see it's crappy plastic trunk because it had no branches! No, we would not be spending money on this little thing. This does not a Christmas tree make.
So now we are forced to look at the other tree's available; weird overly tall flocked tree, small black tree, really horrible plastic imitation Douglas fir with no lights, Insane smart phone operated tree- $400! $68. $98, $120 etc. Out of our budget for sure.
We didn't find anything we liked. Then we realized that their real tree is only $27! We wanted a real tree anyhow! Screw these lame over-priced plastic imitations!
We ended up walking out of there under $50 with a real Noble Fir and a tree stand. We had to shove the tree through the back of my Mom's Ford Sedan but it made it home!
It is so nice to have a real tree. I understand they are a little messy and could have bugs in them but lets just be honest, the tradition of bringing a tree inside your house is already super strange!
Here is our final product. We like the typical overly cluttered tree. :)
Making spirits bright,
<3 Sab
Friday, November 29, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving!
I bought this adorable little skirt at a thrift store last week. I liked the whole gray, navy and black situation going on. Just happened to go well with my new dark red hair. :)
Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving!
Top- Forever 21
Skirt, Belt, Skirt, Shoes- Thrifted
Stockings- American Apparel
Jewelry, Watch- Gifts from Grandma
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
People Doing Good in the World: Local Woman Creating a Yummy Thanksgiving Dinner for Many
For thirty-one years Livermore resident Lurline Moore and her husband have created a huge community thanksgiving feast for anyone who doesn't have a place to go on Thanksgiving. What started as an idea to feed the community's poor turned into a big family dinner for veterans, seniors, the homeless and anyone who wants to attend. This event requires hundreds of volunteers, 1000 pounds of turkey and local restaurants donate whatever they can to make this dinner happen each year.
I do not know how I have lived here my entire life and have never known about this. What an incredible way to come together! I need to volunteer next year.
You go Lurline & Crew!
Read the entire article on how this wonderful event comes together here.
Spread a little love.
<3 Sab
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Uping My Game in Bed
Not THAT game you sicko. I'm talking about my sleepwear!
I woke up yesterday in my outfit of choice for the evening; bright blue leggings and an over-sized white (well, used to be white) T-shirt that I got when I went to my family's reunion about, hmmm ...six years ago.
Looking down at this sad ensemble I thought to myself...When did your choice of nightwear become so hum-drum and uninspiring!? Why do you have a sad pile of old band shirts, tiny, faded, spaghetti-strap tank tops, and old pajama pants that have lost their drawstrings? When did you start accepting these low standards for sleepwear!?
Well, the answer to that question is that somewhere along the line I developed a bad habit of keeping cloths that had seen their days and were no longer wearable in public. They either no longer fit me, had a stain or a rip but, instead of getting rid of them (like a sane person) I saved them and accepted them as something I can wear to bed. I did this for two reasons. 1) Due to my tiny stature and the fact that I don't really grow anymore there are a lot of pieces that I bought to wear in high school that I have held onto because they technically still fit me and 2)Why would I get rid of something that I already have - even if its a scrap that is falling apart- just to go out and spend money on more stuff? (In case you didn't know - I'm frugal.)
I tell myself You just sleep in them Sabrina. No big deal. Nobody even sees these hideous pieces that you wear.
Yes, it is just cloths to sleep in. I'm just laying in a bed for 8-10 hours and any old shirt will do but what happened to the days of women wearing beautiful nightgowns, looking and feeling just as good when they sleep as they do when they dress for broad daylight?
I long for a gown. A sexy black robe. Soft fabrics. Matching PJ's. Silky chemises! Oh the possibilities.
I would like to wake up in the morning looking like I just stepped out of Vogue; sipping my coffee while wrapped in a black lace chemise and a peignoir. Or, jump out of bed feeling like a Victoria Secret Super Model in my comfy, yet perfectly tailored to a women's figure, pajama pants! Is this too much to ask for? I think not.
We women need to take a stand for sexy sleepwear! Whatever "sexy" means to you. We deserve to feel sexy, even when we're dreaming. I'm on a mission for a complete new sleep wardrobe and I'm starting with these inspiring pieces:
I woke up yesterday in my outfit of choice for the evening; bright blue leggings and an over-sized white (well, used to be white) T-shirt that I got when I went to my family's reunion about, hmmm ...six years ago.
Looking down at this sad ensemble I thought to myself...When did your choice of nightwear become so hum-drum and uninspiring!? Why do you have a sad pile of old band shirts, tiny, faded, spaghetti-strap tank tops, and old pajama pants that have lost their drawstrings? When did you start accepting these low standards for sleepwear!?
Well, the answer to that question is that somewhere along the line I developed a bad habit of keeping cloths that had seen their days and were no longer wearable in public. They either no longer fit me, had a stain or a rip but, instead of getting rid of them (like a sane person) I saved them and accepted them as something I can wear to bed. I did this for two reasons. 1) Due to my tiny stature and the fact that I don't really grow anymore there are a lot of pieces that I bought to wear in high school that I have held onto because they technically still fit me and 2)Why would I get rid of something that I already have - even if its a scrap that is falling apart- just to go out and spend money on more stuff? (In case you didn't know - I'm frugal.)
I tell myself You just sleep in them Sabrina. No big deal. Nobody even sees these hideous pieces that you wear.
Yes, it is just cloths to sleep in. I'm just laying in a bed for 8-10 hours and any old shirt will do but what happened to the days of women wearing beautiful nightgowns, looking and feeling just as good when they sleep as they do when they dress for broad daylight?
I long for a gown. A sexy black robe. Soft fabrics. Matching PJ's. Silky chemises! Oh the possibilities.
I would like to wake up in the morning looking like I just stepped out of Vogue; sipping my coffee while wrapped in a black lace chemise and a peignoir. Or, jump out of bed feeling like a Victoria Secret Super Model in my comfy, yet perfectly tailored to a women's figure, pajama pants! Is this too much to ask for? I think not.
We women need to take a stand for sexy sleepwear! Whatever "sexy" means to you. We deserve to feel sexy, even when we're dreaming. I'm on a mission for a complete new sleep wardrobe and I'm starting with these inspiring pieces:
Burning the scraps,
<3 Sab
A Big Reason to Be Thankful this Year
I remember around the same time last year a few days before Thanksgiving I was pretty depressed. I was living in San Diego and this was the first holiday that I had come across while being away from my family. I wasn't going to be able to go home for Thanksgiving this year.
At the time I had to work a Retail job to pay the bills. I worked 6 days a week - long, boring hours on a sales floor. I did like my coworkers and boss so it wasn't the worst place to be but, I forgot that Retail gets to tell you NO when you want to have time off for the holidays. Of course we were closed for Thanksgiving but in order for me to go home I would need 3-4 days off which wasn't going to happen. They needed me to work. You know, because Black Friday sales are more important than spending time with people you love. Complete bullshit.
Ugh. I was pissed. I got into a negative funk. I despised all the fall decor around the shops on my street and was in an inner state of panic because this would be the first year ever that I would miss having Thanksgiving dinner with my family. I would miss the chaos. My aunt being annoyed that my Mom never helps set up the food, and somehow gets away with it. My grandpa telling and laughing at his own bad jokes. My grandma being the loudest person in the room. The half traditional, half Mexican food. My grandpa claiming he ate the turkey neck (every year!) even though nobody ever sees it. The after turkey and too much booze naps. The olives on the appetizer table (I would usually eat all of them.) The after dessert trip to the movie theater. The last minute - lets go down and get in line for Black Friday sales and freeze our asses off - genius idea. And of course - the most important thing - the laughter.
Stupid work. I was so aggravated that I was working in Retail at the time. The irresponsible part of me just wanted to say Fuck It and take off for the holidays - who cares if I had this job by the time I got back! But of course I couldn't lose my job. I had rent to pay and friends depending on me. Guess I would just have to suck it up and work. So I had finally accepted that I would not be going home. Oh well. Major Sad Face.
Then walking into work a few days before Thanksgiving I went to check the board where my schedule was posted. I didn't even want to look at it because I knew it would just drive the knife in further but there it was in black & white:
Sabrina. Working. Working. Working. OFF.OFF. OFF.
Wait. Sabrina OFF!? Not working?? Not scheduled!?? Sabrina is off for 3 days!? How did this happen? Sabrina gets to go home for Turkey Day!? The Retail Gods were looking out for me! They didn't want to see me scoffing at faux leaf decorations and paper turkeys! Go home they said!
YAY! I couldn't believe my eyes! I even had to double check with my boss to make sure it wasn't a mistake!I was sooooo HAPPY!
Still on my Holiday Time Granted High I realized that I now have 3 days off but how was I going to get home!? Getting a flight 3 days before Thanksgiving was NOT going to happen. Would it?
So there I was - sitting on my apartment floor in San Diego desperately searching for last minute flights, the costs of a rental car, and even looking at carpooling with strangers just to get home. I was determined to get there, for I couldn't stand the thought of not being with my favorite people on that special day now that I had the chance to.
But try as I might it seemed my fate had already been decided. There were no flights out of San Diego and no cars I could afford. I searched on car share websites for a sane person driving home for the holiday but most people were leaving early or coming back late and it didn't correspond with my work schedule.
FUCK. I had the time off but no way to get there! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I was devastated. After having a good cry - one of those frustrated ones you see babies having when they just don't understand what is happening - I finally accepted that I would not be going home for Turkey Day.
Even though I wasn't able to be home with my blood related family I ended up having a very special day with my roommate family. We even cooked our own turkey! Looking back it was the right thing to happen. I was meant to experience something new with my best friends and I am fortunate that I have those moments in my memory.
Now its been a year and I am living back in the Bay Area. I am SO grateful to be able to spend time with my family this Thanksgiving. I don't need to worry about how to get there, or if I can go, because I am GOING and I am SO excited! I think not being able to make it last year really will allow me to be thankful to be around all the chaos this year and I can not wait to hear the laughter.
If you are able to spend time with those you love this year really soak it in. Cherish the moment. Not everyone is so lucky.
Patiently waiting for the feast,
<3 Sab
At the time I had to work a Retail job to pay the bills. I worked 6 days a week - long, boring hours on a sales floor. I did like my coworkers and boss so it wasn't the worst place to be but, I forgot that Retail gets to tell you NO when you want to have time off for the holidays. Of course we were closed for Thanksgiving but in order for me to go home I would need 3-4 days off which wasn't going to happen. They needed me to work. You know, because Black Friday sales are more important than spending time with people you love. Complete bullshit.
Ugh. I was pissed. I got into a negative funk. I despised all the fall decor around the shops on my street and was in an inner state of panic because this would be the first year ever that I would miss having Thanksgiving dinner with my family. I would miss the chaos. My aunt being annoyed that my Mom never helps set up the food, and somehow gets away with it. My grandpa telling and laughing at his own bad jokes. My grandma being the loudest person in the room. The half traditional, half Mexican food. My grandpa claiming he ate the turkey neck (every year!) even though nobody ever sees it. The after turkey and too much booze naps. The olives on the appetizer table (I would usually eat all of them.) The after dessert trip to the movie theater. The last minute - lets go down and get in line for Black Friday sales and freeze our asses off - genius idea. And of course - the most important thing - the laughter.
Stupid work. I was so aggravated that I was working in Retail at the time. The irresponsible part of me just wanted to say Fuck It and take off for the holidays - who cares if I had this job by the time I got back! But of course I couldn't lose my job. I had rent to pay and friends depending on me. Guess I would just have to suck it up and work. So I had finally accepted that I would not be going home. Oh well. Major Sad Face.
Then walking into work a few days before Thanksgiving I went to check the board where my schedule was posted. I didn't even want to look at it because I knew it would just drive the knife in further but there it was in black & white:
Sabrina. Working. Working. Working. OFF.OFF. OFF.
Wait. Sabrina OFF!? Not working?? Not scheduled!?? Sabrina is off for 3 days!? How did this happen? Sabrina gets to go home for Turkey Day!? The Retail Gods were looking out for me! They didn't want to see me scoffing at faux leaf decorations and paper turkeys! Go home they said!
YAY! I couldn't believe my eyes! I even had to double check with my boss to make sure it wasn't a mistake!I was sooooo HAPPY!
Still on my Holiday Time Granted High I realized that I now have 3 days off but how was I going to get home!? Getting a flight 3 days before Thanksgiving was NOT going to happen. Would it?
So there I was - sitting on my apartment floor in San Diego desperately searching for last minute flights, the costs of a rental car, and even looking at carpooling with strangers just to get home. I was determined to get there, for I couldn't stand the thought of not being with my favorite people on that special day now that I had the chance to.
But try as I might it seemed my fate had already been decided. There were no flights out of San Diego and no cars I could afford. I searched on car share websites for a sane person driving home for the holiday but most people were leaving early or coming back late and it didn't correspond with my work schedule.
FUCK. I had the time off but no way to get there! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I was devastated. After having a good cry - one of those frustrated ones you see babies having when they just don't understand what is happening - I finally accepted that I would not be going home for Turkey Day.
Even though I wasn't able to be home with my blood related family I ended up having a very special day with my roommate family. We even cooked our own turkey! Looking back it was the right thing to happen. I was meant to experience something new with my best friends and I am fortunate that I have those moments in my memory.
Now its been a year and I am living back in the Bay Area. I am SO grateful to be able to spend time with my family this Thanksgiving. I don't need to worry about how to get there, or if I can go, because I am GOING and I am SO excited! I think not being able to make it last year really will allow me to be thankful to be around all the chaos this year and I can not wait to hear the laughter.
If you are able to spend time with those you love this year really soak it in. Cherish the moment. Not everyone is so lucky.
Patiently waiting for the feast,
<3 Sab
Friday, November 22, 2013
Fuhgeddaboudit! Fridays: Interview's, the Past and Annoying Arguments
A week is a long time and a lot of crappy stuff can happen to us in those five little days. Without even realizing it I, and I think most of us, just bundle all those crappy feelings, worries, fears up inside of us anthey just sit in there and boil until it gets hot enough to burn our insides.
Which brings me to the reason I have created Fuhgeddaboudit Fridays. This is a time for me to write away all my troubles and bring out my inner mobster (and you know there is one).
So without further ado I would like to let go of the following this week:
Interview Mind Fuck. Yes I had an interview! YAY. However, we all know that interviews fuck with our minds majorly before, during, after and then during the infamous waiting period. Not only did I have a pounding headache for a day afterwards but all these questions were running through my head: Was I good enough? Maybe I shouldn't have asked those questions, was it too bold? Maybe I shouldn't have been paying attention to those too random fools play-fighting outside the window? Even if I get the job am I really fit for it? I liked them but did they like me?
The list can go on and on and on, trust me I can do a whole post on why interviews are complete bullshit, but I will save that for later.
I'm letting go of all the doubts that come with the interview process. Right now. Matter of fact I kicked that interview's ass and I really was able to show them who I am. That right there is an accomplishment.
Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda. I have been beating myself up about what I should have or could have been doing. Whether it was in the past, or even at the present moment. Why are you sitting down watching the Chew when you could better be using your time cleaning the entire house? Or better yet, applying for more jobs? Maybe you should have never stopped playing the violin then you wouldn't have to practice so hard at it right now?
Come on! Those things are not fun! Who wants to clean the entire house and add to their long list of Jobs Applied To list? I should be able to sit down and watch a show, or read a book, or whatever it is I would like to do to at the moment. Even it it means sitting on my ass. This is one of the rare beauty's of unemployment. Might as well ride this wave while it lasts because I'm pretty sure said Interview will be coming through soon. :)
Letting go of all the should's and what-if's this week.
Arguments & Uncomfortable Confrontations. There were some quarrels this week. Me vs. Friend. Me vs. Family. There are times in our lives where some things have to come to a head and sometimes people get angry.I REALLY hate arguments. I don't even like to hear anyone raising their voice. This most likely is due to hearing my parent's fighting while growing up in a household that was bound to split up. They both have very dominating personalities and voices so I obviously never got a word in. And nothing has changed.
I usually get steamrolled over just because I chose not to yell. I also feel like I physically can not yell. I have a tiny, raspy voice and whenever I even crack the next octave while shouting it feels like my vocal cords are giving way to destruction. So, yeah, no yelling for me. But that means that nobody truly listens to me. Especially in an angry moment because they just keep yelling. Oh, well.
Anyways, letting this bullshit go. Things will either work themselves out or they won't. I gave my hand at trying to resolve the problems and now I am letting it go.
Well that feels better! I am liking this platform of letting the build up of the week go. Do you have anything you need to let go? Write it down or, better yet, tell me! Contact a gal with ya problems. I don't mind. Or try your luck with meditation. Its a calming way to shut your mind down and really focus on what matters. I just signed up for Oprah & Deepak Chopra's Meditation exercises, its free and there are a few weeks left to join. Get on it!
A river is washing over me,
<3 Sab
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
My 26 Year Old Reality
I'm sure we all can recall a time in our childhood where we thought a certain age was so far away. I remember getting my licence at 15, seeing that "21 in 2008" stamped across the front in red font and thinking "21 Oh my god. I am going to be so OLD. And my little brother will be 18! Holy Crap. But that's so far away."
That's pretty much how it went down in my head. Don't even get me started on how weird the year 2008 seemed. Pretty much the equivalent of what 3032 looks like to us today. Unthinkable.
Well flash forward and we are at my 26th year on this Earth. Forget 21 that was already a lifetime ago! 26 is such a boring year. At least with 21 you get to look forward to drinking (legally finally.) 25 brought me a lot of introspection and a letter informing me of my Social Security benefits...YAY for being 25! But 26, its one of those indifferent years. One of those years I might forget. One of those years that I thought all those little boxes I created as a kid underneath the titled "Life Plan" would have been checked by now.
Age 18- Go to college
Age 22- Get awesome paying job because you went to college
Age 23- Meet awesome life partner and spend some time with him before "then comes marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage."
Age 26- Have Babies! Start family life. Settle down. Yes, you are accomplished!
Now obviously a 10 year old kid has a different idea of what should happen before she gets into the real world. I understand that my plan was probably faulty, and my feelings toward this plan may have very well changed, but I figured it would all be on my plate by now.
It is not on my plate. Enter my 26 year old reality:
So its pretty clear that nothing has gone to plan. Which I am surprisingly OK with. These goals, these empty boxes; job, boyfriend and life plan give us some sort of stability. Something to strive for. And you strive and you reach but it's funny. Just when you think life is going in the right direction and you are making progress, albeit baby steps but its still some type of progress,and you have something to cling onto good old LIFE pops back in and pushes you right back into Transformation Mode! Its INSANE. But you know what, bring it LIFE because I do not want to stay stagnant. If popping my carefully blown bubble is the way I have to see that my plan is in need of obliteration so that I can carve my own path then so be it.
With my current bubble popped (obviously there have been more bubbles in my 26 years) I've spent the last few months really digging deep into what it is that I want. New Plan. Drawing board, day and night. Self-help books, inspiring Ted Talks you name it I have read, watched, listened to it. Its funny about wants because fundamentally they don't really change. The external things we chase are the ones that change but what you really feel in your bones is always there just waiting to be looked at again, perhaps with a new perspective.
Even sixteen years later I want to have those same feelings that 10 year old Sabrina wanted. She still wants to be feel successful, loved, appreciated, and valued for her work in the world. She wants to be creative, have her freedom and share her ideas with others. She wants those accomplishments.
Which brings me to why I am writing this blog entry. I don't want 26 to be just another indifferent year. I believe every year can be one where we grow and become our next better self. 26 will be that year for me. This year I am doing what it is that I want. One of those wants is to blog. To have a creative outlet for all this junk-up-in-my-mind- trunk. To get it out and not care what anyone else is going to have to say or think about it. Everyone is worried about being judged, including me. But I least have to try. I have to try to hold myself accountable for those things, feelings, experiences that I want.
Don't hold me to being perfect. In fact imperfection is exactly what I am striving for. There is more truth in the imperfections of our lives. I am not going to make a general statement as to what this blog will represent. I want to do, wear, and say what I want to say (grammatically/ politically correct or not) and I don't really care if someone is listening. However if you are, then I hope it leads to at least some inspiration or new perspective in your own life.
So hear goes this narcissistic journey of Fab Sab. 26 year old newb' to the blogosphere. Dreamer and hopefully Doer of her deepest desires.
Until next time... <3 Sab
That's pretty much how it went down in my head. Don't even get me started on how weird the year 2008 seemed. Pretty much the equivalent of what 3032 looks like to us today. Unthinkable.
Well flash forward and we are at my 26th year on this Earth. Forget 21 that was already a lifetime ago! 26 is such a boring year. At least with 21 you get to look forward to drinking (legally finally.) 25 brought me a lot of introspection and a letter informing me of my Social Security benefits...YAY for being 25! But 26, its one of those indifferent years. One of those years I might forget. One of those years that I thought all those little boxes I created as a kid underneath the titled "Life Plan" would have been checked by now.
Age 18- Go to college
Age 22- Get awesome paying job because you went to college
Age 23- Meet awesome life partner and spend some time with him before "then comes marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage."
Age 26- Have Babies! Start family life. Settle down. Yes, you are accomplished!
Now obviously a 10 year old kid has a different idea of what should happen before she gets into the real world. I understand that my plan was probably faulty, and my feelings toward this plan may have very well changed, but I figured it would all be on my plate by now.
It is not on my plate. Enter my 26 year old reality:
- Went to college. YAY. However its not all its cracked up to be and now I have $20 G's in loans to repay.
- Unemployed. Granted by choice and pride but still, no box ticked and those loans are still knocking...
- Single. Boyfriend just dumped me a month ago and there are no current prospects. Did NOT see this coming.
- "Get awesome paying job" is pretty much a joke. I have had some great jobs working with some great people. I work hard and have a nifty resume, which I am thankful for but as far as 10 year old Sabrina's mind goes and even 26 year old Sabrina's mind goes "awesome paying job" has not turned up yet. I honestly don't even know what it looks like (besides entrepreneurship).
- Babies! YEAH RIGHT. Babies? Psshh. See above. Need awesome life partner and awesome paying job in order to make awesome babies.
OK, that's the end of my self loathing.
So its pretty clear that nothing has gone to plan. Which I am surprisingly OK with. These goals, these empty boxes; job, boyfriend and life plan give us some sort of stability. Something to strive for. And you strive and you reach but it's funny. Just when you think life is going in the right direction and you are making progress, albeit baby steps but its still some type of progress,and you have something to cling onto good old LIFE pops back in and pushes you right back into Transformation Mode! Its INSANE. But you know what, bring it LIFE because I do not want to stay stagnant. If popping my carefully blown bubble is the way I have to see that my plan is in need of obliteration so that I can carve my own path then so be it.
With my current bubble popped (obviously there have been more bubbles in my 26 years) I've spent the last few months really digging deep into what it is that I want. New Plan. Drawing board, day and night. Self-help books, inspiring Ted Talks you name it I have read, watched, listened to it. Its funny about wants because fundamentally they don't really change. The external things we chase are the ones that change but what you really feel in your bones is always there just waiting to be looked at again, perhaps with a new perspective.
Even sixteen years later I want to have those same feelings that 10 year old Sabrina wanted. She still wants to be feel successful, loved, appreciated, and valued for her work in the world. She wants to be creative, have her freedom and share her ideas with others. She wants those accomplishments.
Which brings me to why I am writing this blog entry. I don't want 26 to be just another indifferent year. I believe every year can be one where we grow and become our next better self. 26 will be that year for me. This year I am doing what it is that I want. One of those wants is to blog. To have a creative outlet for all this junk-up-in-my-mind- trunk. To get it out and not care what anyone else is going to have to say or think about it. Everyone is worried about being judged, including me. But I least have to try. I have to try to hold myself accountable for those things, feelings, experiences that I want.
Don't hold me to being perfect. In fact imperfection is exactly what I am striving for. There is more truth in the imperfections of our lives. I am not going to make a general statement as to what this blog will represent. I want to do, wear, and say what I want to say (grammatically/ politically correct or not) and I don't really care if someone is listening. However if you are, then I hope it leads to at least some inspiration or new perspective in your own life.
So hear goes this narcissistic journey of Fab Sab. 26 year old newb' to the blogosphere. Dreamer and hopefully Doer of her deepest desires.
Until next time... <3 Sab
be yourself,
life plans,
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