Better late than never!
In a busy world where we tend to take too much if not everything for granted we forget to give thanks. I've decided to create a weekly reflection on all that I am grateful for. Everyday is an opportunity and its the little things that count. And Thankful Thursdays commences!
This week I am ever so thankful for:
- A warm bed and a roof over my head, especially during this harsh freeze we have been having - not everyone is so fortunate
- Hot Coco & Bailey's- my current night cap :)
- Friends who pick you up when your car is giving you shit
- Connecting with someone on any level no matter how small it may seem
- Seeing little kids all bundled up in their cutest winter gear ever!
- Getting to watch the Victoria Secret Fashion show! Just thinking of all the people and all the creative energy that goes into that production is SO inspiring every time. Also reminds me to go get some fancy bras! (Best hour long commercial EVER)
- Other's recognizing my strengths and wanting to utilize them
- Having the courage to get up and sing in front of other people at an event!
- Hard-working people. There are so many of them that make the world go round.
- American Horror Story Season 2 getting added to Netflix!
- Getting invited to fun get together's
- Holiday wine tasting with my Mom- for free! Wasn't that a blast!
- Friend's, family, strangers reaching out to others on my behalf. Thank you.
- The fresh pine smell wafting through the house from our Christmas tree
- Good friend's who send you your birthday gift because you left it with them on your birthday night! Thank you.
- Getting invited to yummy dinners
- Being able to rekindle old friendships and discovering new enlightening things about each other
- Chicken Noodle Soup!
- My cat cuddling up on my feet to keep me warm throughout the night.
- Being able to talk to people on a basic human level that seems so rare
- Writing out my Xmas cards. Spreading a little holiday love to all my peeps! :)
- For having the courage to tell people what I am doing or trying to do despite that they may not support it
- Nice customer service agents on the other end of the line for un-fun things like bills, student loans, banking, etc.
- Being intelligent. Holy crap I have a brain! A pretty good one! ;)
- Being able to see my grandma and gain her wise wisdom on life including the awesome "SHOP AROUND. There are millions of men in the world and don't get married!" LOL.
- Getting to see old faces again but in a new light. A lot changes when you become an adult.
- Winter Solstice tea at Peet's coffee. Delish!
- Laughing til it hurts
- Having a friend host me at their home, cook a delicious dinner and watch our fav TV programs together
- Bad Ass Business Women - and having a lot of them as friends!
- Understanding the hardships that others are going through and counting my blessings.
Feelin' pretty good,
<3 Sab
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