This Song: Holding on For Life- Broken Bells
This song has a sick Bee Gees meets Muse feel to it. I love the lyrics and can't stop singing it!
This Commercial: J'adore Dior
Seems like Dior hasn't made a new ad in years. They obviously don't need to because this ad already rocks. I don't know why but this commercial and especially the song never get old! Its' some kind of awesome watching Charlize Theron stomping down that run way dripping in gold chains. The song is called Heavy Cross by Gossip. Really digging the song.
This Beauty Product: Pumpkin Spice Lip Balm from Route One Pumpkins in Half Moon Bay.
So buttery! My lips taste like pie! I love you lip balm! Check out their other awesome products here. Or, better yet, take a trip to Half Moon Bay. It's a quiet, beachy, witchy town. You will love it!
This Book: Hunger Games- Mockingjay
I know I am pretty late to the gory hunger games party but I finally finished the first two and started reading the third book in the series: Mockingjay. I need to go see Catching Fire! I have heard great reviews. I will probably do my own review here on le blog. :)
This Show: American Horror Story: Coven
I've always liked "witchy" stuff. I blame it on my name; Sabrina. Black dresses, black cats, crystals, magick, healing remedies, power. Ah! So it's no wonder I love this show! Bitchy witches, voodoo, New Orleans! Jessica Lange, Angela Basset and Kathy Bates, I mean come on this show is pure genius. Its a little sadistic so if you cant stomach that or might have nightmares after watching I would skip it but I am loving it right now.
This Article: Buzzfeed: 7 Celebrities Whose Style You Totally Wanted to Copy in 1998
I love the 90's! Buzzfeed allows a peek into Teen People's first Celebrity Style Awards issue. Its a perfect glance into the style of the 90's babes we all admired. And the hair....oh the hair.
This Artwork: Photo of Morgan Freeman.
NOT- its a painting on an iPad! Watch the video. So cool!
This Youtube Channel: ASAP Science
I love these videos! Done in such a fun way and packed with a lot of info you can learn a lot in 5 minutes.
Here is one of their videos:
Finding more stuff to love,
<3 Sab
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