Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thankful Thursday: Stuck in Neutral

I'm not going to lie life is a bitch sometimes. Its up and down. One day it seems all is going so well then a curve ball gets thrown right at your face and it fucking hurts. I'm not referring to petty things like mundane traffic, or having an encounter with a less than enthusiastic or incompetent clerk at the grocery store. Think your car breaking down when your bank account has $50 bucks left in it, a family member being diagnosed with a horrible fate, or getting laid off out of nowhere- the biggies. Then sometimes we are able to experience those magical once in a lifetime moments like being in a best friend's wedding, moving to an amazing city and feeling everything fall into place or being there for someone close to us when they need it the most. In these moments it feels like everything has added up and all the pieces just fit. Life really is a roller coaster with its twists, turns, manifesting into drama and pure bliss.

Then there are those times that just feel neutral. Even a roller coaster has it's straight aways but who pays any attention to them when all we want to do is get to the good stuff. Corkscrews! Loopty-loops! Drops that make our stomaches turn! Yes, the fun parts are the ones we anticipate but those boring straight aways are needed to build up to a steep drop or exhilarating corkscrew.  Like in life those straight and narrow, non-dramatic parts are Blah. Just fine. I'm sure I am not the only one that begins to panic when things are just OK.  It's not bad but its not amazing. And lets get real I am aiming for extraordinary, fine just won't do! But sometimes its in those moments between the drama and the happy adrenaline boosted high that the most change can occur. Although subtle these small changes can add up and before know it you have shaped yourself into a "new" you that will take that next exhilarating dip or turn.

I have to admit in these times of long stretches of open road along life I start to feel stuck and to feel un-stuck I need short bursts of drastic change. For me it usually manifests in hair color (my hair is now bright red again),  the rearranging of things (re-file paperwork, re-order closet, move furniture etc.). Right now I am re-hauling my physical space into a sanctuary filled with textures that inspire my every day, boost my creativity and give me a sense of home. So today I am thankful for the lulls in life. I can already tell I am building up to the next heart dropping moment by allowing subtle shifts to occur now making me who I will be along the next turn.

  • I am also incredibly thankful for:

  • Sing alongs to ballads at work with co-workers.

  • Sippin' on white wine with raspberries talking shop with my BFF.

  • Crafts and art projects that spark my inner child.

  • A spontaneous trip to the Marin Headlands

  • Local lavender infused honey.

  • Getting to spend a day in San Diego searching for Geo Cache with my little bro.

  • Discovering the beautiful textiles by this amazing etsy shop

  • Going to see Maleficent- such a great story!

  • Lunch with friends who live too far away now.

  • Being able to semi-bartend in heels.  ;)

  • Danielle Laporte's Desire Map. I read the Firestarter sessions a while back and it was very inspiring!

  • The good people of Netflix - its my get away place on my lazy days off.

  • New crisp lavender sheets!

Awaiting the next loopty-loop,

<3 Sab

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